Saturday, September 10, 2011

Damn Damn Damn...

Damn Damn Damn....I've done it again.

It never fails. I am convinced that I am the best at nothing. No one can beat me at that. Since my last post on this blog I have attempted several other things that were supposed to have thrust me into fame and fortune. Keep on reading for a list of my most current failures.

Besides my NormAnomaly blog I have started a YouTube channel called SideBar Thoughts with Tiffani as well as a book blog called The Book-Lyn Project. All of which I have sadly done a less then mediocre job at. I just don't get it. I'm supposed to be raking in the dough right now, have my own television show, brand of soda, and a pretty awesome vehicle whose name sounds like something similar to the sound you make right before you hawk up a loogie.

So with these newest additions to add to my list of derelictions, I have come to a conclusion. The improbable, feeble, and simply put....lame attempts I have made at reaching my dreams and aspirations have been dependent on what I have finally figured out to be my one true nuisance....POPULARITY!!

Ugh!! As the feelings of JHS/HS days come rushing back to me. I have always been that girl who everybody knew....but didn't know well enough to give two shits about. I was the one in high school who started the trend of wearing stockings with two different colored legs. For several months I rocked my half white half navy blue stockings, not caring who thought it was a fashion cry for help. When I finally got sick of my mother yelling at me for ripping up all my stocking I stopped. To my dismay, one of the more popular girls (who will remain nameless), with her cheerleading ass picked up where I left off, and the one white leg one blue leg trend began.....AGAIN.

That story pretty much sums up the crap that I call my life.

Anywho, keeping this short and sweet. Stay tuned for more failed attempts at being something great.


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